On the afternoon of 1st November, 2019, the orientation meeting for 2019 international students was held at the conference room of the District C of the Administration Building. Qiao Youming, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Qinghai University, explained the adaptation of overseas students to the learning and living environment, compliance with laws and regulations, school discipline and rules, Chineselanguageand academic requirements, personal and property safety, etc. All the students are required toabide by Chinese laws and school regulations strictly, not to participate in political, religious and mass incidents, not to engage in any form of religious activities on thecampus , not to visit religious extremist and violent terrorist websites or spread harmful information. Mr.Qiaoencouraged overseas students to adapt and integrate into the new learning and living environment as soon as possible, pay attention to physical and mental health, clarify learninggoals , make learning plans, cherishopportunities and set sail to the dream journey.
Ms. Zhang Jing from the Foreign Affairs Office introduced to the overseas students theask forleave process, visaandresidencepermit, insurance matters, annual review and graduation requirements involved in their daily study and life.
International students have said that through thismeeting, they have deepenedthe understanding of various regulations, enhanced the sense of belonging, and are full of expectations for the coming life of studying in Qinghai University.
Relevant teachers from the Foreign Affairs Office, the Academic Affairs Office, andrelevant College s and Department attended the meeting. Theycommunicated and coordinated the specificmatters of the training and management servicesof international students.