Application Form for International Students in
Qinghai University
1. 中文姓名 Chinese Name:________ | 2.婚姻状况/ Marital Status ________________ | 照片 PHOTO |
2. 英文姓名 English Name: ________________ | 4.性别 Sex :_______ |
5.出生日期 年 月 日 Date of Birth: ____Y___M___D | 6.宗教信仰 Religion:_______ |
7.出生地点/ Place of Birth ____________________ | 8.护照号码/ Passport No. __________________ | 9.国籍/ Citizenship ______________ |
10.邮箱 Email Address: |
11. 电话 Tel: ________________________________________________________ |
12.永久地址 Permanent Address: _____________________________________________ |
电话 ____________________________________________ Tel: ____________ |
13.请按时间先后顺序填写本人中/高等教育学历 List in Chronological Order Your Secondary / higher Education |
学校 Institution | 在校时间(自…/至…) Years Attended (From/To) | 所获证书/学位 Diploma Received | 主修专业 Field of Study |
学校 Institution | 在校时间(自…/至…) Years Attended (From/To) | 所获证书/学位 Diploma Received | 主修专业 Field of Study |
注: 请务必交验英文学历证书和英文成绩单复印件 Note: Copies of diploma and transcripts in English must be submitted. |
14.汉语熟练程度(很好/好/一般/初级) Chinese Proficiency (Excellent /Good /Fair/Beginning) 阅读 会话 书写 Reading ___________ Speaking __________ Writing __________ |
15.留学类别 Indicate the nature of the programme you wish to undertake in Qinghai University |
(1).攻读学位/ Degree Programme □本科生 □硕士研究生 □博士研究生 B.A./B.Sc. M.A./ M.Sc. PH.D |
(2).不攻读学位/Non-degree Programme □语言生 □普通进修生 Language Student Advanced Student □高级进修生 □研究学者 Senior Advanced Student Research Scholar |
16.请说明来青海大学学习/研究的主要目的。 Please describe the major purpose of your study/research in Qinghai University. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ |
17.在青海大学的学习/研究计划。 Describe the plan of study/research you wish to undertake in Qinghai University. (1) 专业 Fields of Study / Research : ________________________________ |
(2).学习/研究期限 自 年 月至 年 月 Duration of Study / Research: Fm____Y____M___D To ___Y___M___D |
(3) 对学习/研究专业的补充说明 (研究生和高级进修生应用中文填写, 如本栏篇幅不够,可附另页)。 Any other information you consider relevant to this plan (postgraduate and senior advanced students are requested to write in Chinese. Use a separate page if necessary) ___________________________________ ________________________ ___________________________________________________________ |
18.请注明你在青海大学学习/研究的经费来源。 Please specify the source of your financial support in Qinghai University. 中国政府来华留生奖学金资助 |
19.请附上有指导过你的教授(或学校校长、系主任)出具的两封推荐信, 请列出他们的姓名、职务/职称和地址。 Please submit two recommendation letters by professors (school principal or department head) under whom you have studied. Please list their names, positions /titles and addresses. |
姓名 Name | 职务/职称 Position of Title | 地址 Address |
20.是否曾在华学习过或工作过?如是,请说明并注明时间。 Have you previously studied or worked in China? If so, give details and dates. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ |
21.工作简历 Present Occupation and Previous Employment |
时间/ Date | 工作单位/ Employer | 职务,职称/Position, Title |
22.在华事务联系人的姓名、地址和电话号码。 Name, address and telephone number of your reference in China to be notified in case of emergency. |
姓名/ Name | 地址/ Address | 电话/ Tel. |
23.家庭主要成员/ family members |
姓名/ Name | 关系/ Relation | 年龄/ Age |
申请人保证: I hereby affirm that: (1)上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的; All the information given in this form is true and correct; (2)在青海大学学习期间将遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度。 I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of Qinghai University. 申请日期 申请人签名 Date: ______________ Signature : __________________ |
注 意: 不完整的申请表或未按要求交验的有关材料,将会延误对 此申请的审理。 IMPORTANT: An incomplete application or any short of supporting documents WILL DELAY the process of admission. |